Tuesday is outing day so mom and I ventured out, first to the beauty parlor. All the talk was about the storms that hadn't happened and the storm that just might be happening.
While we were stuck in the Colorado mountains in the snow, home was supposed to get 4". They got zero. When we were stuck by the snow in eastern Idaho, home was supposed to get 8". They got zero.
Tuesday we were supposed to get 1 to 2' followed by 5+ inches Wednesday. And all the talk was that Ontario was already getting snow and maybe we would get it this time. Hubby assured us that we had brought it with us.
It started snowing before we left the beauty parlor and kept up all through our errands and shopping. It was coming down and sticking. It was coming down faster and thicker. We had lunch and decided that it was probably time to head for a nice warm indoors where
we could knit and tat and knit and crochet.
It kept snowing and snowing and snowing. All afternoon and all evening.
As fun as the visit with Teresa was, I had missed my water aerobics classes. The classes are held in a pool that was built well over a hundred years ago. There are a lot of natural hot mineral springs in the area and one was used to feed the pool and to circulated hot water under the dressing room floors. They put a roof
over the pool last spring. Since I just started going to water aerobics in August, I had heard stories about how great it was going to be in the winter in the snow (some of these gals have been going without fail for over 20 years. Well, I went Tuesday night and it was glorious. We exercised in a warm/hot pool and watched the snow fall into the surrounding pine trees. Exercise for 45 minutes and then float in the warmth for another 45 while we discussed girl talk. A mad rush to the dressing room and home through the deepening snow.
Wednesday morning we woke up to many many inches of snow. The hand rail
on the bridge was cleaned off before hubby went to bed, so that is the overnight accumulation. Hubby suggested that if I wanted exercise, I could help shovel. I actually did, the work on the bridge is all mine. Plus I did some on the driveway and some in front. Being a wee, frail, helpless female, I did let my big stron hubby do most of the work while I took pictures. Son in Alaska has been complaining that he hasn't had any snow yet this winter so we thought we would show him what it looked like. Son - this is what snow looks like.
Just about everything was closed Wednesday - most of the towns got 12 or more inches of snow. All the schools were closed, doctor offices were closed. I cou
ld not think of anything I needed anywhere that I was willing to venture out for. Hubby put chains on the truck and went to his second job, where he shoveled snow. Silly man.
Thursday came and the main highways were plowed but not the side streets or even the main streets, so we went to Thursday nails. No place to park that the plows hadn't built a bank in front of. Mom got a bright sparkly red to start out her Christmas season theme. After we went down to the doctor's office but the were still closed. So we went up to Banducci's for coffee. Here they plow
all the snow into the center of the lane. This creates a huge snowpile that you can't cross. So we started up the street at 12th and Banducci's is at 8th. Since we couldn't cross the snow pile we had to go up to 4th to cross over and come back down on the correct side. Super great coffee and chai latte.
After seeing the roads, we cancelled our plans to go to my doctor and to the yarn store. There were things mom really needed at the yarn store - her needles and the yarn she needs to finish some Christmas gifts but I wasn't willing to venture out over the hill.
So we took our coffee and went home and I finished my wristers. Pictures to follow. And started on my Christmas gifts.
It's snowing here now in IN. We were bringing a family member home last night from Peoria and ran into a patch of new snow, cars in the ditches and new accidents. Slowed us down for several miles and then we drove out of it. I love pool exercise and your place sounds divine!
You guys keep your snow up north! We have cold down here in the south and that's bad enough! It's supposed to get even colder this week but so far still no call for snow . . .
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