Been a while since I managed a post and for that, I apologize. I've been really busy lately. I guess October is the new September, at least her in my world.
So, first, a friend took me to a knitting/quilting store that is quitting the knitting business and taking their quilting business online. So, as they close their bricks and mortar store, all knitting supplies are 60% off and all other goods (including some spinning fibers) are 25% off. I snagged this lovely artyarns yarn. They had more in a colorway that include greens, and I almost went that way but I didn't. I was thinking I could talk someone into liking this blue colorway better than the Needlenook Nosh from Numma Numma that I won. But she's no longer getting either, so it's moot.

These lovely Elann Esprit socks are finally finished after being knit only one and a half times. The first time, a girl said they were too tight to get on her feet - and they pretty much seemed to be. So I ripped them and reknit with bigger needles which had the added benefit of making the pattern more noticeable. They are now finished the second time (and tho the picture doesn't show it the toes are grafted and ends worked in.) She still says they are too small, but since they fit my big feet, I think there's something else that she doesn't like about them. She won't tell me what, so she doesn't get them or any more socks - thus the Needlenook Nosh reverts to me.

I have also cast on for the Grazing Sheep Bag by Kathleen Taylor from I heart Felt. I decided that I wanted to make it bigger, so I recharted it with 60 stitch wide front & back and 30 stitch wide sides - it will be a rectangle instead of a flat bag. Given my current dislike for knitting intarsia, I've also decided to do it in the round and strand the overlaps of the greens. When the bag is knit, I will use duplicate stitch to add the sheep and their feet and faces. I have ordered 5 extra skeins of wool in the various greens (so I'll end up with 3 of each green) so I'll have enough yarn to make it a little more than double the bag's original design.
I actually had knit a little more than what is shown in the picture (about 3 times as much) but had to rip it all out because I had miscounted and was 30 stitches short on the round. It's now reknit back to about where it was before I discovered my error. The needle that this is on is an Addi Natura Bamboo needle that I picked up at the unfortunate yarn shop for 60% off - and I must say that I love them. I'll have to keep an eye out for more addi natura.
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