There has been knitting going on here in spite of all the rushing. First, the tail that Miss S knit for her Halloween costume. The senior class theme this year is Wild Things and of course, there is the movie coming out today. So Girlfriend went out and bought herself a white hoodie onto which she plans to sew a tail and ears. I made the ears because she was sure that they wouldn't work and wouldn't look right and she didn't know what else she could do for ears. I told her that they'd be fine and would get the idea across but she wasn't sure. So I made them. The sweatshirt is in the wash right now (got a little dirty somehow) and as soon as it's dry, I'll sew these on and take another pic to post. No, it won't be exactly like Max's outfit, but it should still be cute.

This was the beginning of a previous incarnation of her costume. She was going to be Donna Noble from Dr. Who - Donna with that strange alter-time creature on her back. This will be the alter-time creature when I finish it. I'm not working on it a whole lot right now.

And, some socks for Miss S. I had to pack her up to go camping in the mountains of North Carolina in the cold and rainy weather and the packing list said she needed some nice wool socks. I told her to go get some that I had knitted for her and she said she didn't have any. I'm not sure how that happened, but I started working on the remedy right away. I sent several pair of my own socks with her on the trip - and haven't gotten them back yet.
And, lastly, this is my shawl. The pattern is
Ishbel by
Ysolda Teague from the
Whimsical Little Knits booklet (which I love). It's a pretty easy shoulder shawl and I really like the shape. The yarn is my handspun from those two bumps I bought at the White House in Oregon when I was out there. I have about a 1 inch ball left which isn't enough to finish the shawl unless I just bind off now. However, I remembered that I bought Dena a
bump as a gift and so I called her and did the Indian Giver thing. I've spun the extra that she sent me and plyed it and washed it and it's drying now. I didn't even check to see how much yardage I got, just hurrying to get it ready to knit so I can finish the shawl and block it. More pics later . . . .
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