This is the first half of Miss S's piggy collection. Some of them are very tiny

and can be kinda hard to pick out. Several are flying pigs - including the pink pig bank with the cork nose in the back. That one was custom made by June at Rising Sun Earthworks (who also made our yarn bowls and our sheepy coffee mugs). She had a piggy bank for sale and I asked her if she could turn it into a flying pig, which she did.

These are the two cats that live in her bedroom. They are completely spoiled. This is the girl's new bed and new bedding - right now she has two beds in her room and I can assure you that neither one of them has been made since the last time I made them. The cats don't seem to mind tho.

This is Cat, who let me know in a not very subtle way that she was ready for her closeup, Mr. DeMill. She's small, but she can be very pushy and demanding.

And this is the reason that those two live like princesses in the girl's rooms. This is Billy the Bully. Yeah, sure, he looks cute and sweet and adorable in this picture, but that's only because he's asleep. He's big and smart and can be mean when he's bored and he's easily bored. He's also, by far, the most demanding cat I've ever met. He's big enough to stand on his back legs and tap me on the shoulder when I'm sitting in a chair and that's just what he does when I'm on the computer and he doesn't want me to be. He's a terror.

This is the toad lily that is actually blooming this year. I am completely shocked because it was so close to being dead without any water for two years. It has a lot of burned leaves and flowers, but it's blooming and doing it's best to survive.

And these are my present to myself! I still didn't get the size 6's I needed, but when I found these, I had to get what I could. They came from a shop that's discontinueing their knitting supplies in favor of their spinning business. They were selling them for $5 each, so I bought whatever they had in the 24" length. I emailed the guy at Skacel about my chipped size 6 and he won't do anything about it because I no longer have the packaging. He said I could take it back to my local knitting shop, but why would they want to take it back when I bought the stupid things from Knit Picks and not them. Well, I did buy some of my addi's from them, but most came from Knit Picks. Anyway, these were my present to myself and there are more coming.
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