And, a baby blanket I made for a friend's new grandson. It's incredibly thick and cushiony - the kind you always wanted when you had to put the baby down on the floor. I'm sure the new mom will love it.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Bad Pictures
And, a baby blanket I made for a friend's new grandson. It's incredibly thick and cushiony - the kind you always wanted when you had to put the baby down on the floor. I'm sure the new mom will love it.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Water, Water Everywhere . . .
They closed a couple of county's school districts today because of the rain that came down yesterday and the day before. Then it rained even harder today. The drive to pick up kids at school was more than a little frightening - I have to cross both Peachtree Creek and Nancy Creek to get to the school. Both of those creeks are expected to flood at record levels tonight - we're talking 40 & 50 year record levels. They've announced even more school closings for tomorrow, but not our school . . . not yet. But I hope they do close it.
I have several things knitted that I should like to post pics of, but I need some sunlight to take the pics. Maybe the sun will come out tomorrow and dry up all the rain.
The flowers are still blooming.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
And the Bloomfest goes on!
These are some of Craig's waterlilies blooming at Atlanta Botanical Gardens. There were a bunch more of his lilies blooming and the giant victoria lilies he sent them were growing like crazy and all of them have buds and spent blooms on them. These were taken with a blackberry because I didn't think I'd take my camera in the rain - the pics would have been better if I did take it.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
All of these passion flowers were blooming yesterday. There should be at least a few more kinds blooming today and in the next couple of days. These are, in order: belotii, Lady Margaret, Amethyst, Incense, Blue Bouquet, citrina, batwing and Pura Vida. And the last pic is the Gulf Fritillary Butterflies that love to eat them.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
What I've been doing. . .

And this lovely yellow fluffiness is for Miss M. I got the small batt in the middle in the last Phat Fiber box and she fell in love with it cuz it's soft and it's yellow. She wants me to make a duck. It came from Jela's Fibers on Etsy - the sample is merino, white bamboo nepps and angelina. She didn't have any exactly like that in the store but offered to make some up for me. She did have almost the same thing - merino, bamboo fiber and angelina - already made up and since that was going to be smoother and probably easier to spin, I just got those. And yes, they are smooth as can be and incredibly easy to spin and they are making a lovely yarn for me to make a duck with - even have a couple of duck patterns. It took a full 3 weeks for the package to get to me because it came from Canada and Canada Post seems to be having troubles - but it was worth the wait.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Flowers, Fruits and Tatting
And one last passion flower - this one has tiny flowers, about an inch across. But it has wide, leathery and spotted leaves. I like the flowers, so that is what you get to see (and a bug eaten leaf).
And the fruit . . . These are growing in Miss S's garden. She wasn't getting any fruit, so I went out with a paintbrush and made sure some of those little flowers got pollinated. Now she has fruit.
And tatting . . . I've been busy tatting. I have a couple of bigger things that are half done, but not ready to show yet. But as you can see, I've been practicing on little things quite a lot. There are half a dozen different flowers and different butterflies. I've also done a couple of motifs just to get the practice. I've taught myself two shuttle split rings and single shuttle split rings but haven't exactly worked out how to use them to move from one round of a motif to another.
August Phat Fiber
I was pretty lucky and managed to get an August Phat Fiber box. I got the fluff only box and I must say it was stuffed fuller than any box I've ever gotten and practically fuller than all the others combined. Miss M loves that yellow mini batt so I ordered more of that - bamboo and merino. The white is alpaca.
Studio Ghibli Swap
So, I joined the Studio Ghibli group on Ravelry because it's a great way to find out what is out there and what is going on. I learned of two movies that I never knew existed - one is available here and the other is not. I also learned that there is (was) a new Miyazaki movie coming out the middle of August. The girls love his films and so we went to see Ponyo soon after it came out.
She's a new knitter - just learning, in fact. So I found some used books that had good instructions on how-to and several small simple projects so that she won't get frustrated and quit. I stuck some yarn and some needles in the box along with some japanese candy and some tea. This young lady also likes origami, so I got some origami paper and star paper for her at the japanese store here.
And pics of what she sent me - she cross stitched the lovely little picture of totoro. I really like it because I'm not a cross stitcher, so have little of that in the house! She went on a trip to London just before she mailed off her package so I got tons of stuff from there. She got me the Uncle Joe's Mint Balls - which I brought back years ago in a tin (like them). There are three London Key chains in that pic and a Tower of London cross stitch kit - so I can learn how. She tossed in some Rice candies, some dried mango (that's all gone now), some chocolate and a little electronic cat (so cute)! There are two balls of yarn - one is blue glittery and just for me and the other is black fun fur which I love because it's getting hard to find fun fur and I always seem to need it. She also got a very cool comic book with stickers but somehow it didn't make it into the picture.
I was very happy with what I got and I think she was too - so it was a very successful swap! I might actually do it again.