Been a little while since I posted anything. We've been busy doing that summer stuff we do. Caught up on bills and paperwork last week and mailed out a box to you guys. Miss M is going to the Tech TEC camp starting tomorrow so hopefully things will be a bit quieter.
There is an open house at Mom's house today - hopefully someone will buy it.

This is my new micro trindle - think he said it weighs in at 8 grams. It's small and very light and that's the silk that I'm going to try to spin on it. I tested it out with some orange mystery fiber (feels like corriedale) and it spun up to about the thickness of sewing thread so yes, this baby will spin very fine yarn. And it's gorgeous.

This is the brown, gray and white alpaca roving all spun up. There are three hanks - 124 yards, 138 yards and 256 yards. It's absolutely lovely and squooshy and soft. I think I'm giving it to a friend who will love it.

New fiber from
Feeling Sheepish (who Mom's gift came from). The white stuff is 4 ounces of Bamboo top - undyed. The lovely blue/brown is called Robin & Wren and is almost 6 ounces. Might just spin that one next.

This is the pound of BFL and 4 ounces of yearling mohair from
WC Mercantile. This was partially paid for with my winnings from the Phat Fiber contest.
These lovelies are from
Woolyhands on Etsy - the left is called Artist Pallet and it's 3.25 ounces of mill

ends (but oh so soft) and the right is called Box of Crayons and it's 3.5 ounces of corriedale. I might just spin them as thin singles and ply them together.

And this gorgeous stuff is corriedale top in the colorway Earthy Rainbow from
Fiber Fancy on Etsy. I hope she doesn't mind that I stole her picture, but I haven't taken one yet. She also sent a baggie full of the most beautifully dyed mohair locks that the girls stole for needle felting. Cannot wait to spin this - in fact might just start on it when I'm done posting.

And Miss S has been busy needlefelting. She was gifted with a huge box of alpaca seconds to use as a base, but she's been using them for everything. You've seen the blue bird and the cow and the chicken on the lower left in the photo. And you've seen the mermaid in the back - she lost her head and clothes, but she's been repaired. The new ones you haven't see are the wizard on the right hand side (his hat is in front of the chicken) and the black & white alpaca in front of him. You also haven't seen the cute monster - the brown thing in front of the mermaid. I need to get her to take better pics of him because you cannot see his back which is actually his better side.

And February Lady is back to where she was before I started over. I'm not sure she's much bigger but I don't think I'm going to rip it out again. It's slower going the second time around.