These are the Heart Full of Love socks. They come in the form of a kit with the yarn, beads, pattern and a heart stitch marker. Rosemary Chapman designed them. She designs a lot of socks for a cause - breast cancer (bought the boogie sock kit for Dena when she was going through her ordeal), ovarian cancer, and heart disease research. These socks were created in honor of her son who died of heart disease at a relatively early age and left a wife and children behind. I bought the kit after a friend had a heart attack but, for whatever reason, it didn't occur to me at the time to knit the socks for her. The kit has been sitting idle for a couple of years. This year, I knit them and gave them to my friend. Her heart is better now, but after someone has a heart attack, you always worry.
Here is Rosemary's (she goes by Chappy) explanation:
The Artery Band: 82 million adult Americans have 1 or more types of heart disease – that is 1 in every 3 people. The circles in this band represent those open and closed arteries.
The Broken Heart Band: An average of 2,200 Americans die every day from heart disease – that is 1 loved on every 39 seconds! Many of our families have been affected by this disease. This band represents the hearts that have been broken and the many tears shed.
The EKG (Electrocardiogram) Band: 90% of all women have 1 or more risk factors for developing heart disease. Heart disease is the number 1 cause of death in women aged 20 or older – killing 1 woman every minute! More women die of heart disease than the next four causes of death combined – including all forms of cancer. Get yourself or a loved one tested! (All heart related facts within this pattern are quoted directly from the American Heart Association© website.)