The boys arrived in my pasture

. Curt brought them over and showed me lots of stuff.
Stuff like how to give them their worming shots. And Cielito got an antibiotic shot. He will need another one next Saturday.
I learned how to hold these darlings still and how to trim their hooves.

This brown guy is Polo as in Marco Polo. His dad was Marco. He is friendly but more stand offish than Sonqo and Cielito. He is always right there with the herd but in back.
He took treats out of the bucket I was holding but not out of my hand.

Encanto's mother was Ser

enade. He is friendly but always gives way to Sonqo. He was more than willing to eat the treats out of my hand but always asked Sonqo if he could.
I think he has the most adorable eyes, looking so intelligent. Here is a baby picture of Encanto with his mommy, Serenade (Accoyo America Serenade)
. He was born in '06

Sonqo is quite a bit shorter than everyone else but has the thickest, fluffiest, softest fleece.
Sonqo also seems to be in charge. He most definitely will eat treats out of my hand while at the same time not allowing anyone else to eat them from my other hand or from the bucket.
He isn't always in the front of the pack but seems to definitely lead it.
Cielito is the old man and the odd man out. Since he was by himself for so many y

ears he is part of the herd here but not really. He always seems to be near them but not really part of the herd. He is so friendly. He is Nancy's baby and has been since he was born. He definitely will eat out of my hand, when Sonqo lets him. He seems to be intimidated by Sonqo and maybe all of them. But he loves people - like me. Likes giving kisses.