I have recently realized what a wonderful historical archive this blog is and that has caused me to reconsider abandoning it. It was originally started to keep my Mom abreast of what was going on on my side of the country when she moved to the other side after Dad died. Then Facebook came into play and made keeping her current easier even if it was less information - it was quick and easy. So we drifted away from the blog.
Ravelry kind of took over the knitting activity - great place to store a list of projects and spinning etc. But not the detail that the blog contained. I am in the process of moving to another state and in moving my yarn/fiber/fabric stash, I also decided to document, catalog, detail it. I realized I did not remember what fiber was what and what or where it came from and which handspun yarn came from where or what the fiber content was. But the blog knew. The blog knew when I bought it, where I bought it, what the fiber content was, how many ounces, etc. (At least it’s knew more of that than it did not.)
I really loved going back through the history and reading what happened when and what I was working on and what I thought about the process and finished product. I even learned where a lot of things I knit went. Ravelry does not tell those stories.
So, we are going to try reviving the blog. I love knowing the where’s and why’s and who’s of the projects I have done and what I was thinking when starting and while working on them. So here goes:
What am I spinning? I recently woke up my poor wheel that has been neglected for probably ten years. I had to replace a bunch of parts and clean up the rest but it is in working order and making beautiful yarn again. Currently spinning this BFL from Traveling Rhinos Fiber. It is 4.2 ounces and was a gift from my friend Laura. It has been in my stash for a few years but I wasn’t doing much spinning. I split the braid down the middle and spun the first half onto one bobbin. The second half is in process but moving along. I am spinning the singles pretty thin and giving them quite a bit of twist. This is about my third spinning project since I repaired my poor neglected wheel and I am quite enjoying it,
It's good to see a post from you again! I agree that our blogs are a tremendous resource. I recently used my blog to reference a storm that caused damage to our roof. I couldn't remember dates, but they were all on my blog along with pictures documenting the event. I enjoy reading blogs!