
Monday, August 24, 2015

Mom's Bears

The lovely marled bear.  I think he is my favorite.  I love the way the yarn looks on this little guy and how it covers any stitches that might otherwise show.  Plus, he's the first of the three for Mom I made so he and my original bear helped with all the rest.

Next the honey colored bear.  The yarn color is actually sand but it is a nice little beige/brown bear.  I think this one will look nice dressed in a jacket and hat.

And the third friend, the polar bear.  He had to have blue eyes . . .  

And my bear with his coat and hat.  Poor thing still has no buttons on his coat but eventually I will find some small toggle type buttons that will work.

The three amigos getting ready to go on their long trip from my house to Gramma's house.  They have to travel over several rivers and through lots of woods to get there.  Then Dena will knit them coats and hats and maybe boots (working on that . . . .).  Wish them luck!
