
Sunday, September 9, 2012

My Watermelons are growing

Very little knitting was done while we were at the beach this last time so these didn't progress hardly at all.  I actually have four projects that are almost done but just need me to do bits that I don't like to do.  I hope to finish them in the next week because I really want to do Diane's Doodad Double Dare and it's due by the end of September.  (I have some other tatting I want to do too, so the knitting must get done so I can play.)

Usually I get a lot of knitting done when we go to the beach.  There is a lot less housework for several reasons - it's a smaller house, hubby does much more, we go out to eat much more, the girls don't need to be driven twelve places a day, etc.  This time I got very little done and here's why:

Cute, isn't she?  But let me tell you, she's a fluffy ball of trouble!

 We took her to the ocean.  If she's going to be our dog, there are a few requirements she must meet.  She must love to ride in the car because I spend an inordinate amount of time there.  She must love to travel with us because these dogs cannot be boarded or left home alone and we try to take them with us whenever possible because babysitting for dogs is expensive.  

She didn't like the ocean or the waves (water was cold, waves were big), but Ma Nature provided a lovely warm tidal pool which was perfect.  That Other Girl and Casey showed her what's what.

 She follows Casey everywhere.  So Casey showed her how to run and chase tennis balls on the beach.

 She tried to dig in the sand, but wasn't doing too well.  She was only really disturbing the surface sand but it was nice and soft, so she rolled around in it instead.  Let me tell you, that fur holds a lot of sand.

Then Dad reclined the back of his chair and she was SURE that he did it so she could reach him for kisses.

 And to get a better angle for kisses, she climbed him.

 And decided it was fun, lots of fun.

King of the Dad!
(Dad's yelling, come get this beast!)

She loves the beach - even likes the ocean now, but when soaked to the skin in the cool ocean, she does get chilled.

So, she lays in a nice hole Casey dug her and warms up.

Casey tried for the entire trip to teach the little bugger to dig holes in the sand herself.
I had begun to think she wasn't going to get it, but . . . she did.

(Ok, so blogger doesn't really support videos on blogs, they just pretend to.)


1 comment:

  1. Socks are looking great! And the photos and video are adorable!
    That's quite a hole she dug! I love how Casey is showing her the ropes and has accepted her!
