
Thursday, September 20, 2012

More Finished Goods

 Last year, Girl Far From Home spent a lot of time in her dorm room.  She and her roommate watched a lot of Netflix.  They were especially fond of My Little Pony and Shaun the Sheep.  Coats & Clark in England made this lovely little kit with a pattern for a knit Shaun and the yarn to make it.  I think the yarn has since been discontinued and the kit is no longer made.  I had a devil of a time finding one, but I succeeded and had the goods to make two Shauns.  I started on them over the summer and the knitting has been done for a while.  I let the pieces sit in a bag for a long time because I hate sewing things up - I knit the pieces in the round, but they still had to be sewn together.  I finally did that when Girl Far From Home came to visit on Sunday.  They turned out kind of cute.

We discovered that the animal mascot for Girl Far From Home's class is the fox.  Pretty cool since she actually IS a fox.  So I found this pattern in an old magazine and knit it up.  It was a pretty quick knit but the sewing of bits together on it was also a pain.  I changed the legs and feet because the ones in the pattern wouldn't stand up.

Someone needs to keep the fox away from the sheep.

More Zuzu cuteness for you because you know you want it.  This is how she sleeps - on her back.  These two photos happen to be of her sleeping in the car, but she is laying in a bed by my feet sleeping just like that right now.

See what I mean?



  1. You are SO talented with those knitting needles! What cute little animals! Not to mention the adorable REAL one!

  2. Your fox and sheep are super cute. And Zuzu is pretty cute too :-)
