So off we went with the first stop at Banducci's. For those of you who aren't fortunate enough to live here, Banducci's has the BEST coffee, terrific people and pretty good soup. Jeanette greeted Mom with a BIG Happy Birthday because Teresa had already told them it was Mom's Birthday. Mom got to use the first coupon for a cup of Dark Chocolate Salted Caramel Mocha. Yum.
These are the most fantastic cups ever. You can have the hottest of coffee in them and the outside is room temperature and hours later the coffee is just as hot. Or drink all the water, leave the ice in the cup in the car on a day when it is over 100 all day while shopping. Return to the car to a cup of ice. And it weighs next to nothing. Awesome.
We went directly to Wink so Trev could do Mom's nails. I carried the coffees in and immediately dropped Mom's all over the floor. Which was actually a good accident because Trev and Jaycee had a nice cup of coffee waiting for Mom. Trev does the most amazing things to Mom's nails. Currently each nail has a different Doctor Who item on it. The Tardis, K-9, the scarf, a planet, a Cyberman, a Dalek, and I forget the rest. Trev freehand draws each nail with a new and different theme each week.
So after getting Mom's nails done I was feeling guilty about accidentally dropping Mom's coffee so we went back to Banducci's for a refill. Jeanette gave Mom a cup of coffee for her Birthday gift and told me not to touch it. It really was an accident and not even sibling rivalry.
Another local yarn store, The Yarn Shop, is going out of business. So very sad but everything is 40% off, so we went shopping. None of the books or yarn on Teresa's wish list were available so we called her and found about a dozen books for her, half a dozen books for me and a few odds and ends for Mom. Everyone wished her a Happy Birthday and she got an extra Birthday discount.
So off we go for lunch. Teresa had arrange for Mom to have lunch at one of her favorite places not in Emmett, Souper Salad. We walked in and they took Teresa's coupon for lunch. They even had Mom's favorite soup out. There were three other parties of people there celebrating birthdays so seemed like the place to go for a birthday luncheon. And just as we were about to leave the staff comes over with a three tiered birthday cake, strawberries and whipped cream spelling out Happy Birthday on the plate, and sings Mom Happy Birthday. No one else in the restaraunt got a birthday cake or a song. Teresa is the most amazing person to get that for Mom when it isn't their usual policy and she is 2000 miles away.
So the three of us being totally stuffed, off we went to Barnes and Noble to let Mom spend her gift certificate that she got from Teresa. She spent the gift certificate a dozen times over but she had fun. Hours later we headed home. I offered to stop at Baskin Robbins for an ice cream as my Birthday treat but she was still stuffed from lunch.
After sitting at home for a few hours taking birthday calls from loved ones we took her out to her favorite local restaurant. She had dinner and then they gave her a dessert for her Birthday Treat. And sang her a Happy Birthday song, a version that I had never heard before. It went like this.
"This is your Birthday Song. It isn't very long". The whole place cracked up. (here is some unknown family singing it on you tube).
Then we went home and mom talked to more people on the phone you wanted to wish her Happiest Birthday.
Then we showed her what the alpaca had been doing to celebrate her birthday.
Since the little girl had been born on Mom's Birthday, we thought it only proper that Mom name her. So her name is Augusta and she is the daughter of Angelique. Angelique has the most beautiful blue eyes and so does Augusta.And then dh and I gave Mom our gift. For those of you not living here I will let you in on a secret - there are no fireflies in Idaho. None. Not a single one. They don't live here. So dh and I painted some mason jars in different colors and attached solar lights to them. We put hangers on them and dh put hangers all around Mom's deck. So now she has beautiful colored lights that remind me of fireflies.
Oh, and while Mom was visiting Teresa in Georgia, we painted her deck for her. It was reddish when she left. Now it is not reddish. Not even close to reddish.
Happy birthday to your mom! It looks like you had a fun-filled day. I love your idea for faux fireflies. You taught me something new... I thought fireflies were everywhere!
ReplyDeleteI really like the not-red porch deck. I wonder if Dave would do that for me?
Seriously - I AM a good daughter aren't I? I think of everything and then give someone else credit for it . . .
ReplyDeleteI love my big sister.
Do we know for sure that Augusta is a girl?
ReplyDeleteI picked Augusta up, several times, and looked underneath. I saw: a bellybutton, 4 little nubs, and no wanger. My vote is girl.
ReplyDeleteShe weighs nothing, not like when I picked up Dai. Dai was almost twenty pounds the first day. We took a scale out to the pasture.
For Augusta we didn't take a scale but she weighs about as much as Alf or a little less. She should weigh as much as Fritz so I am slightly concerned.