
Thursday, April 5, 2012

Idaho - Road Trip

One day, while we were in Idaho, we went on a road trip.  We passed this little, one lane bridge that crossed the river to Gardenia, Idaho.  I couldn't just drive by, so we drove across this little (seriously - it's little) bridge into Gardenia.  There are two houses in Gardenia.  Really, just the two.  And the road ends between them - it's dirt already but it just sort of ends.  Dena says it goes on, but what I saw going on wasn't a road - it was a path.

 We saw lots of signs.  I guess they need to know where Game is allowed to cross the road.

And where the open range starts - as opposed to the closed range?

 No idea what the heck this means, but I was very cautious after I saw it.

 And we saw this giant mountain goat . . . 

Really.  It's giant.

 But the scenery was gorgeous.

 We had lunch at Gramma's in Cascade, Idaho and left with two cups, one for That Girl and the other for Gramma.

And we saw Tackle Tom's which I thought was cool - nice sign and Dena has a son named Thomas.

 I drove.  I drove Fred's car.  I didn't go on any dirt roads this particular day.  But you have to remember, Fred told Dena she couldn't drive on any dirt roads - he never said anything about that to me.

 We visited the small town of Sweet, Idaho.

 With it's very small post office.  There are several post offices that are about this size in Idaho.  There are no post offices this small in Georgia and this wouldn't handle one person's mail in Atlanta.

Sweet was named for the sweet water that comes from it's natural spring.  And yes, I tasted it and it really is sweet.

And it flows into the prettiest little trough.



  1. As early as the 1850's this was an essential place to stop. During the gold rush to the Thunder Mountain Mines, Sweet served as an important freighter's supply station. At the turn of the century, Sweet boasted of three hotels, three saloons, a bank, a newspaper, two lodge halls, and other business. It was named for the first postmaster Ezekiel Sweet. After the gold rush subsided and a series of fires in the business district, the town began to deteriorate, and was not rebuilt. The water trough is still a popular place to stop and drink the clear, cold, artesian water. Take a moment to read the wooden sign about the history of the trough. Also it has a nice park and a picnic table.

  2. The picture on the caution sign is a rubber raft on a trailer. There is good river rafting in Idaho. Enjoying your Idaho visit. Thank you for sharing. Karen in OR
