
Wednesday, March 23, 2011


 The Mailman (actually, she's a mailwoman) must hate me lately!  She keeps having to deliver books!  This first one was a surprise gift from Mom!  Thanks Mom - I have tons of sock yarn and while I love knitting socks, I never wear them when they are done.  I have some really lovely sock yarn that I'd rather knit into something I will use and this book has tons of patterns that will do nicely!

And this is the last Anna Zilboorg book I was missing - well, the last one that contains only her patterns.  There are a couple that she has contributed to that I don't have (Favorite Socks from Around the World and The Natural Knitter), but I'm not sure that I NEED those if they only have one pattern in them.

This book has a sweater in it that I have wanted to make for a while.  It is a beautiful hardback with gorgeous photographs but, when new it was quite expensive.  I found a used copy for cheap and bought it.  Now I can make the sweater I want and not feel like I have to make everything else in the book to justify it's purchase.

And these are the beautiful Girl designed shoes.  They don't fit.  Her feet don't exactly go in them like they should.  Shoes of Prey has offered to start making a new pair as soon as we figure out exactly what size and I can mail these back whenever.  I have to say that they are incredibly nice to deal with.
Tomorrow - pictures of both knitting and tatting!

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