
Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Country Dog in the City

It turns out that Alf is a Country Dog. Completely. Totally. Whole-heartedly.

We got to the hotel and got moved into our room. Alf met Casey's friend, Mirror Dog. Alf isn't impressed with Mirror Dog because he won't run and play. Of course, Alf has had a real dog friend ever since he was born unlike Casey. Alf doesn't miss Fritz and isn't interested in being friends with Mirror Dog.

We thought that Alf had calmed down because there was no sign of hyper Alf. He was calm and quiet. Our room was by the stairs and Alf alerted anytime anyone went past the room. He actually is very sensitive because he sensed people with the door closed and the curtains closed. He doesn't react at all to males. He becomes animated if it is a female.

We moved on Saturday from the second floor to the third floor because the room we had only had one chair. We now have a couch so we can both sit down and I can knit or read or watch tv with Fred.

Some children, a little girl and a littler boy moved in next door and the calm, non-hyper Alf is gone. Way hyper and staying glued to the crack under the door or jumping up to see out the window. The kids love to stop at the window and wave and talk to Alf. And then everyone on the floor comes by to laugh at the little dog going crazy trying to get to the children.

We were driving around, not going anywhere, just driving to see what was near and the gentleman in the next lane started making faces at Alf who was leaping at the window trying to get to him to get petted. The two ladies in the car behind us were laughing hysterically watching this. Traffic here moves slower than Atlanta so everyone had time for fun.

We have been going out exploring. Jonathon had told us about geocaching and it turns out that it is a great way to discover the area. Alf is way more interested in people than scenery and part of the geocaching is to not attract the attention of the bystanders and passers-by. Conflict of interest going on there.

The hotel is right next door to the Helen Nelsen Historical Land Trust which consists of the house and several acres of the farm with two geese, two sheep, one hair sheep, one horse and one pony. Alf loves to walk past the farm and try to get into the pasture to run and play with the animals. The pasture is full of manure - looks like cow but didn't see any cattle. Alf really wants to get off his leash and be a country dog again. To run through the pasture and roll in the manure. To chase animals that run and chase back.

Instead Alf the Country Dog is stuck inside, only getting out on a leash, walking on sidewalks, going to tiny parks, listening to traffic. No bellowing of cattle, neighing of horses, birds singing, no pastures, no school buses.

Alf is with his people and that is worth any sacrifice. But he sure wishes his people would go back where they belong.


  1. But the mirror dog can be really fun - if you bark at it, it looks like it's barking back! It shares toys but never steals them. It sits with you for hours until your people come back and let you out of lockup.

    Poor Alf.

  2. The Mirror Dog isn't a child or a young female who will love on Alf. And we haven't left him alone yet. I just realized that. Alf has been in the room with us, on a walk with one or both of us. But never left alone. He is so making out better than I realized.
