
Saturday, October 4, 2008

For the 3 of you who don't come from Ravelry:

Please consider going to this website and voting for the Martha's Vineyard Fiber Farm so they can win this terrific Tech Makeover. I've been debating buying a share in their Consumer Supported Agriculture for a while. What basically happens is that people buy shares of the crop (which is yarn or goat and sheep fiber) before it's harvested and those shares help pay for bringing the crop to harvest (the shearing). One day I will buy a share and have that yarn. Meanwhile, they'd really love to have this and I'd really like to help. I know there aren't that many viewers of this blog and even fewer of them haven't already seen this on Ravelry, but for those of you who haven't voted yet, please do.

And, if you leave a comment, you help advance their chances of winning the 'most popular', so don't hesitate to leave a comment.

Here's a quote from the owner:
Hey everybody! Martha’s Vineyard Fiber Farm is a contestant in the intel Tech Makeover Giveaway and we need your vote. We entered because we’d like to install webcams in our lambing and kidding barns in the spring so everyone who wants to can see the new babies being born. Could you take a minute to vote for us? It’s so easy- just follow the link and click the “like it” button. You don’t have to register or anything. You can also leave a comment if you like. Thanks so much for considering voting.

Here's the owner's blog:

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