
Friday, July 11, 2008

Finished Felted Fish

The fish are felted. I learned a few things - no matter how big the holes are in lacework, they will close during felting. I used 3 sizes of holes in the lace in these fish and they all closed.
This fish had large holes in the tail and they all closed. However, the texture of the tail is really quite nice and the colors sorted out such that it both looks and feels like little fishy scales. It doesn't show up so well in the pics, but it's nice in person.
This fish had lace edges on the end of the tail and the holes were quite large but all closed. The edges became very scalloped and kinda curly - worked out nice.
Had to show the other side of this fish since the colors in these photos are better - this one is much more colorful on this side than the first side. I like the way this one turned out.

This one had some elongated holes in the tail - not very open, more like slits than holes. They closed, but they made the end of the tail kinda curve in so that it has this lip like edge on it.

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