
Sunday, January 13, 2013

Clue One Twice Clue Two Once

Since I didn't have a project requiring 3000 yards of lace weight yarn (Teresa did), I got a head start on my socks.  Teresa talked me into knitting the Knitters Brewing Company Mystery Sock V.  And I have both socks done for Clue One.

The pictures are all taken inside because it is 2 degrees outside at ten in the morning.  When the temperature got above freezing it snowed and when it wasn't snowing the temperature was waaay below freezing.  You would think I was still living in International Falls Minnesota.

But by staying inside I got Clue One of the Echeveria Mystery Sock Knit along done.  (Echeveria is the plant Hens and Chicks).

Clue One got done the day after Clue Two was released.  And since I wasn't knitting a million miles of lace and wasn't knitting a baby sweater (Teresa again)  I did Clue Two also.

Teresa picked out the colors for me and I think they are perfect.  Clue Three will be out and Tuesday and by then Teresa will be way ahead of me.  She normally is cause she knits three times as fast as I do and she is twice as good.


1 comment:

  1. Wow! Echeveria looks great! That was absolutely the perfect color! You are way ahead of me . . .
