
Sunday, December 30, 2012

Cold, cruel winter

Relaxing . . . .
at the beach . . . .
taking long walks . . . .

and doing lots of knitting.



  1. Wish you could put pictures in the comments. I would show you the snow outside my window. Only about an inch or so because it has been to cold to snow for days.

    Wish I were there.

  2. Well, we could o a girls' weekend sometime. And you can add a snow pic to the post so I will appreciate the weather here - it was cold and windy here today, but not an inch of snow cold.

  3. I now know that I can knit 900 stitches in just under 30 minutes. I did not need or want to know that. I do not want to knit 27 rounds that are each 900 stitches. But that is exactly what I am about to do.
