
Friday, February 25, 2011

Socks, Hair and Spring

 The Plum Wine Family Jewels socks are finished.  I moved the bead up because with my big feet, the heart (where it's supposed to be put) is right where my ankle bends.  I thought it should be higher to be safer.  I like the way these socks fit and I like the yarn.  I enjoyed knitting them.

The Ripe Melon Dyed by Danido from Danido Crafty are almost done.  One is completely done and the other has about 26 or so rows left to be knit.  All those twisted stitches really play havoc with my arthritis and I needed to take a break.  You only had to have one sock of the pair completed for it to count in the prize drawing.  The completed socks had to be posted to the Ravelry thread by 3:00 this afternoon, so I decided I can finish the last sock later.  I posted them at about 2:45.  Now I just have to hope my name is drawn instead of Dena's because I want the prize more than she does - well I want the knitting bag, if I win, she can have the yarn.

This is the second batch of Alpaca yarn that I was supposed to spin for a friend.  This 4 ounces ended up being 132 yards of lovely 3ply yarn.  It's the softest, most lovely and nicest smelling yarn ever.  I got the fiber from Maple at North Star Alpacas.  Her rovings are lovely and so nice to spin and she packs them with lavender sachets so the fiber smells lovely and the yarn retains the scent even after you wash it.

This really pretty hummingbird feeder and these two gorgeous, vintage (they are supposedly 52 years old and I don't think that counts as antique) teacups were my birthday presents.  I asked for seat covers for the front seats in my car because Acura uses such cheap leather that mine look terrible.  DH said he ordered them, but I think he just showed me a printout and is hoping I'll forget I asked for them.  
Time for tea and bird watching!

The Divine Miss M got a haircut - the last one she'll get from the only hairdresser who has ever touched her (or Girl Far From Home's) hair.  Chris, the best hairdresser ever, is moving to Indiana and we'll miss her terribly.  But isn't this a great haircut on the girl?  I think it's really, really cute and it's so easy for her to manage!

And, finally, after this long and cold winter . . . signs of Spring!  These are the first buds of one of the hydrangea bushes.

 The Daphne Odora is blooming - this is when I wish I could post smells as well as photos!  There are two bushes together and they are waist high now - you can smell them all over the backyard!

 This is the red camelia in the front yard.  The pink and white one in the back hasn't started blooming yet, but it and the rhodos are covered with buds!

Remember those toys where you pull down the string and the arms and legs move?  This is one that I made for Girl Far From Home to put on the door of her room.  I left the face blank so she can add it herself.  Maybe she'll take another picture after she's done that.


  1. I am so sorry that you didn't win. Unfortunately for you the best sister won.

  2. If Chris is moving to Indiana, tell her to come to Lafayette. I need a good hairdresser!

    Cute socks and I LOVE the teacups.

  3. Congrats on your win Dena! And you finished both pair before I did - cuz you are more competitive than I am, I guess!

  4. I am really hoping you get this I see the Leprachaun you posted with the string that moves the arms and legs can you give me an idea of how you did that I can't get my arms and legs to move.
    mamafeist at yahoo dot com

  5. Hey Feisty - I can't email you because there is no email associated with your profile. I could go into a long verbal explanation of how I made this, but without the toy I can't add pictures and it would be hard to describe. So, I'm just going to link to the original directions that I found and used to make it. It was fun and Girl Far From Home loved it.
