
Thursday, November 18, 2010

Wrists or Coffee?

So, there has been precious little knitting, tatting, spinning or other fiber frolic going on in the last two weeks.  My sister, Dena (co auther), and my mother, Elaine (another co author), came to visit.  It was not a pleasure visit, in fact, we worked our butts off.  We went through everything my mother ever owned and sent much of it home with them.  Mom was here looking for her treasured memories of the past because almost all of them were packed in boxes here on this side of the country while she was living there on that side of the country.  I can certainly understand wanting to be able to touch and feel those things that bring pleasant memories, especially as you get on up there in years.   It was really hard work going through everything that was once in her house and everything that still is on her mountain property.  Dena and I are both sore as heck from lifting, moving, packing, unpacking, repacking and restacking boxes.  I've got bruises all over my body although I am not quite sure how they got there.

Mom got quite a bit of knitting done - finished a hat and about half of a second one and knit a bit on her scarf.  We discovered that Ott lights really did help her to see her knitting better (macular degeneration is catching up with her) and to our delight, Michaels had them on sale 40% off.  We bought her several, including a rechargeable, battery operated one so that she can have one anywhere she wants to go and anywhere she wants to sit at home.  We even bought her one she can hang around her neck.  The replacement bulbs were also 40% off, so we grabbed a couple of those as well.

Dena and I knit very little and tatted even less.  We did manage to get out the Twined Knitting books and play a bit with that.  We each made one wrister - just one because that's all we had time for.  We discovered after they were made that they make the PERFECT coffee cozies for our starbucks (I drink tea).  I gave mine to Mom so she would have a nice new one since she gave me two cozies when I visited her in Idaho.  I hope she enjoys them.  Dena's twined wrister/cozie is on the left in the picture with two and in the second, clearer photo.  The one I knit and gave Mom is on the right in the double photo and in the first, blurrier phot.  I'm going to make another one to keep for myself because it's a fun technique and I have a bunch of yarn left!

1 comment:

  1. That's a tough choice! I think I'd have to make three just to keep my wrists and my coffee happy!
