
Friday, February 13, 2009

New Projects - maybe

Since I now have glasses I can see with, and I have eyes I can see out of, I decided to think about starting some new projects. I am 75% done with my scrap afghan (and why finish a project when you can start 2 new ones).

Since we were at the yarn store and I had remembered to bring the kilt with me, I was able to find the yarn for the Balmoral hat. The pattern is Classic Highlander's Balmoral Bonnet by Anne Carroll Gilmour (Wildwest Woolies). Remembering to bring the kilt allowed me to match the green exactly.

And I have had my eye on the Frontier Hat (available from for a while. I can't seem to find the Funny yarn it calls for and, although I had lots of Fun Fur, I seem to have used most of it up. I had wee bits of the black and the brown multi but not enough. I have looked each time we went where there was yarn but they never had the two colors I needed. So . . . while cleaning out all the places I had yarn stuffed, I came across a bag with dark blue and a light blue/brown mix. Two skeins of each, just what the pattern called for. So I will knit it up in those colors. Andrew WILL love it.

So I won't feel completely guilty, I will finish the afghan first but since these are done on size 10 & 10 1/2 needles I will put them ahead of the unfinished projects that are on size 1 and size 2 needles.

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