
Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Books We will Need

Looking at the projects we have decided on we will need the following books:
Shadow Knittingekh - nodmr - havetrh - have
Learn to Knit Afghan ekh - havedmr - havetrh - have
Knitter's Almanacekh - havedmr - orderedtrh - have
Knitter's Stashekh - ????dmr - orderedtrh - have
Knitting Aroundekh - havedmr - wanttrh - have
Ornamental Knitsekh - gettingdmr - gettingtrh - have
Angels Knitter's Dozenekh - havedmr - havetrh - borrowed
Trad Scand Knittingekh - havedmr - havetrh - ordered
Knitted Shawls Wiseman ekh - nodmr - orderedtrh - have
Knitted Shawls Stahmanekh - nodmr - havetrh - needs
Two End Knittingekh - ordereddmr - orderedtrh -ordered
Fair Isle Sweater's Simplified ekh - nodmr - havetrh - need

Any others????


  1. Did you ever look at the felted objects pictures in the document I sent? If any of those strike your fancy, I have the books. If you'd prefer a bag, I'll dig up the bag cards and take photos of them. There is a really nice felted bag in Knitter's stash - and the fish are in there too. It's a really nice book.

  2. I think that Teresa gets to choose the felted project - anything but the fish. Whatever you choose, we will do.

  3. I don't have Knitted Shawls by Stahman, Two End Knitting or Philosopher's Wool. I would like all of them. We need to go ahead and get Two End Knitting because the distributor told the LYS that it is out of print or otherwise no longer available.

  4. You don't have Fair Isle Sweaters Simplified by Ann Bourgeois ??? That was what I meant by Philosopher's Wool - couldn't remember title and too lazy to go look.

  5. Nope, don't have it. I have Latvian Dreams, but not the Bourgeios book . . . . need to get it. Looked for two end knitting in the book store today - wanted to see it before I buy it - but they didn't have it.
